# Welcome to ML Ops Quickstart [![Code coverage](https://codecov.io/github/fragiletech/ml-ops-quickstart/coverage.svg)](https://codecov.io/github/fragiletech/ml-ops-quickstart) [![PyPI package](https://badgen.net/pypi/v/mloq)](https://pypi.org/project/mloq/) [![Code style: black](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg)](https://github.com/ambv/black) [![license: MIT](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-green.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) ML Ops Quickstart is a tool for initializing Machine Learning projects following ML Ops best practices. Setting up new repositories is a time-consuming task that involves creating different files and configuring tools such as linters, docker containers and continuous integration pipelines. The goal of `mloq` is to simplify that process, so you can start writing code as fast as possible. `mloq` generates customized templates for Python projects with focus on Maching Learning. An example of the generated templates can be found in [mloq-template](https://github.com/FragileTech/mloq-template). ```{toctree} --- maxdepth: 5 caption: Welcome to MLOQ --- markdown/welcome.md ``` ```{toctree} --- maxdepth: 5 caption: How to --- markdown/usage.md ``` ```{toctree} --- maxdepth: 5 caption: Features --- markdown/features.md ``` ```{toctree} --- maxdepth: 5 caption: MLOQ Library --- markdown/library.md autoapi/index.rst ``` # Indices and tables {ref}`genindex` {ref}`modindex` {ref}`search`