:py:mod:`mloq.commands.globals` =============================== .. py:module:: mloq.commands.globals .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Mloq globals command implementation. Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: mloq.commands.globals.GlobalsCMD .. py:class:: GlobalsCMD(record, interactive = False, **kwargs) Bases: :py:obj:`mloq.command.Command` Implement the functionality of the globals Command. .. py:attribute:: cmd_name :annotation: = globals .. py:attribute:: project_name .. py:attribute:: description .. py:attribute:: author .. py:attribute:: owner .. py:attribute:: email .. py:attribute:: open_source .. py:attribute:: project_url .. py:attribute:: default_branch .. py:attribute:: license .. py:attribute:: use_poetry .. py:attribute:: main_python_version .. py:method:: interactive_config() Generate the configuration of the project interactively. .. py:method:: parse_config() Generate the configuration of the project via a configuration file.