Source code for mloq.files

"""This module defines all the different assets accessible from mloq."""
from pathlib import Path
import sys
from typing import NamedTuple, Optional, Union

[docs]class File(NamedTuple): """ Generates project files. This class defines templating files, which will be rendered according to the user's configuration. Besides, File instances have additional attributes used for specifying the destination of the generated file. Attributes of this class: name: Name of the templating file. src: Location of the templating file. dst: Name of the file generated from the templating file. description: Short description of the current file. is_static: Boolean value. If True, the templating file does not admit render parameters. """ name: str src: Path dst: Path description: str is_static: bool
[docs]def file( name: str, path: Union[Path, str], description: Optional[str] = None, dst: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None, is_static: bool = False, ) -> File: """Define a new asset as a File namedtuple.""" if description is None: print("FIXME: %s must have a description" % name, file=sys.stderr) description = "TODO" dst = Path(dst) if dst is not None else name return File( name=name, src=Path(path) / name, dst=dst, description=description, is_static=is_static, )
# Assets paths ASSETS_PATH = Path(__file__).parent / "assets" SHARED_ASSETS_PATH = ASSETS_PATH / "shared" MLOQ_ASSETS_PATH = ASSETS_PATH / "mloq" REQUIREMENTS_PATH = ASSETS_PATH / "requirements" # Mloq files mloq_yml = file( "mloq.yaml", MLOQ_ASSETS_PATH, "mloq configuration, you can safely remove it if you don't plan to upgrade", is_static=True, ) what_mloq_generated = file("", MLOQ_ASSETS_PATH, "this file") # Requirements files requirements = file( "requirements.txt", REQUIREMENTS_PATH, "list of exact versions of the packages on which your project depends", is_static=True, ) dogfood_req = file( "dogfood.txt", REQUIREMENTS_PATH, "list of mock requirements for testing purposes", is_static=True, ) # Shared templates makefile = file("Makefile", SHARED_ASSETS_PATH, "common make commands for development") pyproject_toml = file( "pyproject.toml", SHARED_ASSETS_PATH, "configuration of various development tools: linters, formatters, packaging", )
[docs]def read_file(file: File) -> str: """Return and string with the content of the provided file.""" with open(file.src, "r") as f: return