Source code for mloq.config.custom_click

This is mostly a copy paste from \

Modified to allow prompt input that has a different color than the prompt text, while keeping
the color of the default prompt values the same as the prompt text color.
"""  # noqa: D400
import io

from click.exceptions import Abort, UsageError
from click.types import Choice, convert_type
from click.utils import echo, LazyFile

# The prompt functions to use.  The doc tools currently overwrite these
# functions to customize how they work.
visible_prompt_func = input

_ansi_reset_all = "\033[0m"

[docs]def hidden_prompt_func(prompt): """Input hidden text from the user.""" import getpass return getpass.getpass(prompt)
[docs]def _build_prompt(text, suffix, show_default=False, default=None, show_choices=True, type=None): prompt_ = text if type is not None and show_choices and isinstance(type, Choice): prompt_ += f" ({', '.join(map(str, type.choices))})" if default is not None and show_default: prompt_ = f"{prompt_} [{_format_default(default)}]" return f"{prompt_}{suffix}"
[docs]def _format_default(default): if isinstance(default, (io.IOBase, LazyFile)) and hasattr(default, "name"): return return default
[docs]def prompt( text, default=None, hide_input=False, confirmation_prompt=False, type=None, value_proc=None, prompt_suffix=": ", show_default=True, err=False, show_choices=True, ) -> None: """Prompts a user for input. This is a convenience function that can \ be used to prompt a user for input later. If the user aborts the input by sending a interrupt signal, this function will catch it and raise a :exc:`Abort` exception. .. versionadded:: 7.0 Added the show_choices parameter. .. versionadded:: 6.0 Added unicode support for cmd.exe on Windows. .. versionadded:: 4.0 Added the `err` parameter. :param text: the text to show for the prompt. :param default: the default value to use if no input happens. If this is not given it will prompt until it's aborted. :param hide_input: if this is set to true then the input value will be hidden. :param confirmation_prompt: asks for confirmation for the value. :param type: the type to use to check the value against. :param value_proc: if this parameter is provided it's a function that is invoked instead of the type conversion to convert a value. :param prompt_suffix: a suffix that should be added to the prompt. :param show_default: shows or hides the default value in the prompt. :param err: if set to true the file defaults to ``stderr`` instead of ``stdout``, the same as with echo. :param show_choices: Show or hide choices if the passed type is a Choice. For example if type is a Choice of either day or week, show_choices is true and text is "Group by" then the prompt will be "Group by (day, week): ". :return: None """ result = None def prompt_func(text): f = hidden_prompt_func if hide_input else visible_prompt_func try: # Write the prompt separately so that we get nice # coloring through colorama on Windows echo(f"{text}{_ansi_reset_all}", nl=False, err=err) return f("") except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): # getpass doesn't print a newline if the user aborts input with ^C. # Allegedly this behavior is inherited from getpass(3). # A doc bug has been filed at if hide_input: echo(None, err=err) raise Abort() if value_proc is None: value_proc = convert_type(type, default) prompt_ = _build_prompt(text, prompt_suffix, show_default, default, show_choices, type) while 1: while 1: value = prompt_func(prompt_) if value: break elif default is not None: value = default break try: result = value_proc(value) except UsageError as e: if hide_input: echo("Error: the value you entered was invalid", err=err) else: echo(f"Error: {e.message}", err=err) # noqa: B306 continue if not confirmation_prompt: return result while 1: value2 = prompt_func("Repeat for confirmation: ") if value2: break if value == value2: return result echo("Error: the two entered values do not match", err=err)
[docs]def confirm( text, default=False, abort=False, prompt_suffix=": ", show_default=True, err=False, ) -> bool: """Prompts for confirmation (yes/no question). If the user aborts the input by sending a interrupt signal this function will catch it and raise a :exc:`Abort` exception. .. versionadded:: 4.0 Added the `err` parameter. :param text: the question to ask. :param default: the default for the prompt. :param abort: if this is set to `True` a negative answer aborts the exception by raising :exc:`Abort`. :param prompt_suffix: a suffix that should be added to the prompt. :param show_default: shows or hides the default value in the prompt. :param err: if set to true the file defaults to ``stderr`` instead of ``stdout``, the same as with echo. :return: User's decision. """ prompt_ = _build_prompt(text, prompt_suffix, show_default, "Y/n" if default else "y/N") while 1: try: # Write the prompt separately so that we get nice # coloring through colorama on Windows echo(f"{prompt_}{_ansi_reset_all}", nl=False, err=err) value = visible_prompt_func("").lower().strip() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): raise Abort() if value in ("y", "yes"): rv = True elif value in ("n", "no"): rv = False elif value == "": rv = default else: echo("Error: invalid input", err=err) continue break if abort and not rv: raise Abort() return rv