Source code for mloq.config.configuration

This module defines the Configurable class and associated logic.

The Configurable class extends the param.Parameterizable class to keep track of
the class parameters using an omegaconf.DictConfig.
import copy
import dataclasses
from dataclasses import field, make_dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import omegaconf
from omegaconf import Container, MISSING, OmegaConf
from omegaconf.errors import InterpolationToMissingValueError, MissingMandatoryValue
import param as param__
from typing_extensions import Protocol

from mloq.config.param_patch import param

    from mypy.typeshed.stdlib.dataclasses import Field

    DClassField = Field[Any]
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    DClassField = Any

[docs]class Dataclass(Protocol): """Type hinting to defined a dataclass as a typing Protocol.""" # as already noted in comments, checking for this attribute is currently # the most reliable way to ascertain that something is a dataclass __dataclass_fields__: Dict
ConfigValue = Any ConfigurationDict = Union[Dict[Union[str, int, Enum, float, bool], ConfigValue]] PythonType = Union[float, int, bool, str, list, dict, tuple] ParamType = Union[ param.Number, param.Integer, param.Boolean, param.String, param.Array, param.List, param.Dict, param.Tuple, ] DataClassDict = Dict[str, Tuple[type, DClassField]]
[docs]class DictConfig(param.ClassSelector): """param.Parameter that defines a DictConfig object.""" def __init__( self, default: Optional[omegaconf.DictConfig] = None, doc: Optional[str] = None, instantiate: bool = True, per_instance: bool = True, **kwargs, ): """ Initialize a DictConfig. Args: default: Default value of the Parameter. Must be an instance of DictConfig. doc: Documentation of the Parameter. instantiate: Expect and instance of DictConfig. per_instance: Create a new DictConfig instance every time you initialize a Parameterized class. **kwargs: Passed to param.ClassSelector.__init__. """ default = omegaconf.DictConfig({}) if default is None else default if doc is None: doc = "Structured omegaconf.DictConfig representing the param.Parameters information" kwargs["class_"] = omegaconf.DictConfig super(DictConfig, self).__init__( default=default, doc=doc, instantiate=instantiate, per_instance=per_instance, **kwargs, )
PARAM_TO_TYPE = { param.Boolean: bool, param.Integer: int, param.Number: float, param.String: str, param.List: list, param.ListSelector: list, param.Dict: dict, param.Tuple: tuple, param__.Boolean: bool, param__.Integer: int, param__.Number: float, param__.String: str, param__.List: list, param__.ListSelector: list, param__.Dict: dict, param__.Tuple: tuple, DictConfig: omegaconf.DictConfig, }
[docs]def param_to_dataclass_dict( obj: Union[param.Parameterized, Any], ) -> Dict[str, Tuple[type, DClassField]]: """ Create a dictionary that can be used to initialize a dataclass containing the parameters \ of the target param.Parameterized class. Args: obj: Class or instance of a param.Parameterized class. Returns: dict containing the fields required to define a dataclass with the obj parameters. """ data = {} for k, v in obj.params().items(): if k in ["name", "config"]: continue for param_type, _type in PARAM_TO_TYPE.items(): if isinstance(v, param_type): value = getattr(obj, k) if isinstance(obj, param.Parameterized) else v.default data[k] = (_type, field(default=value)) break return data
[docs]def param_to_dataclass(obj: Union[param.Parameterized, Any]) -> type: """Create a dataclass equivalent to the target param.Parameterized target.""" name = if isinstance(obj, param.Parameterized) else # FIXME: Assumes all keys are strings datac = make_dataclass( name, [(str(k), t, v) for k, (t, v) in param_to_dataclass_dict(obj).items()], ) return datac
[docs]def param_to_omegaconf(obj: Union[param.Parameterized, Any]) -> omegaconf.DictConfig: """Transform a param.Parameterized class into an OmegaConf structured configuration.""" return OmegaConf.structured(param_to_dataclass(obj))
[docs]def is_interpolation(s: str) -> bool: """Return True if the provided string is an OmegaConf interpolation string.""" if not isinstance(s, str): return False return "${" in s and "}" in s # TODO: use regex
[docs]def to_param_type(obj: param.Parameterized, config: DictConfig, key: str) -> Any: """Transform the provided attribute of the target param.Parameterized object \ into the appropriate type so it can be stored in a configuration file.""" # Yaml cannot handle tuples, so we convert the value config = copy.deepcopy(config) OmegaConf.resolve(config) param_obj = obj.param.params().get(key) value = config[key] if not OmegaConf.is_missing(config, key) else param_obj.default if isinstance(value, omegaconf.ListConfig): value = [x for x in value] elif isinstance(value, omegaconf.DictConfig): value = {**value} type_ = PARAM_TO_TYPE.get(param_obj.__class__) if type_ and not isinstance(value, type_): if value is None: value = value if param_obj.allow_None else type_() else: value = type_(value) # if value is not None else type_() return value
[docs]def to_config( config: Union[ omegaconf.DictConfig, ConfigurationDict, Dataclass, param.Parameterized, None, ], **kwargs, ) -> omegaconf.DictConfig: """Transform the provided object into an omegaconf.DictConfig.""" if isinstance(config, param.Parameterized): config = param_to_omegaconf(config) elif dataclasses.is_dataclass(config): config = OmegaConf.structured(config, **kwargs) elif not isinstance(config, omegaconf.DictConfig): config = OmegaConf.create(config, **kwargs) elif config is None: return omegaconf.DictConfig({}) return config
[docs]def resolve_as_dict( obj, config: Union[omegaconf.DictConfig, ConfigurationDict, Dataclass, param.Parameterized], **kwargs, ) -> ConfigurationDict: """Transform the provided object into a dictionary resolving all its interpolations.""" config: Union[Container, omegaconf.DictConfig] = to_config(config, **kwargs) OmegaConf.resolve(config) param_data: Dict[str, Any] = {k: to_param_type(obj, config, k) for k in config} return param_data
[docs]def safe_select(cfg: DictConfig, key: str, default: Any = None) -> Any: """ Access safely the target value of the provided cfg DictConfig. Return MISSING if the value cannot be resolved or it's missing. """ try: return cfg=cfg, key=key, default=default, throw_on_resolution_failure=True, throw_on_missing=True, ) except (MissingMandatoryValue, InterpolationToMissingValueError): # , InterpolationKeyError): return MISSING
[docs]def as_resolved_dict(cfg: DictConfig) -> ConfigurationDict: """Return a dictionary containing the resolved values for the provided DictConfig.""" resolved_dict = {k: safe_select(cfg, k) for k in cfg.keys()} return resolved_dict
[docs]class OmegaConfInterface: """Common functionality to work with configurations.""" def __init__(self, target: "Configurable", allow_missing: bool = False): """ Initialize an OmegaConfInterface. Args: target: Keep track of target param values using a DictConfig. allow_missing: Allow missing values in the target configuration. """ self._target = target self.allow_missing = allow_missing @property def config(self) -> omegaconf.DictConfig: """Return a DictConfig containing the target configuration.""" return self._target.config @property def interpolations(self) -> ConfigurationDict: """Return a dictionary containing the interpolations of the target configuration.""" cont = OmegaConf.to_container(self.config, resolve=False) return {k: v for k, v in cont.items() if OmegaConf.is_interpolation(self.config, str(k))} @property def missing(self) -> List[Union[str, int, Enum, float, bool]]: """Return a list containing the names of the configuration that are MISSING.""" return [k for k, v in as_resolved_dict(self.config).items() if v == MISSING]
[docs] def _resolve_inplace(self, key: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Resolve and update the target attribute if it's an interpolation string.""" if key is None: OmegaConf.resolve(self._target.config) return self.config[key] =
[docs] def resolve( self, key: Optional[str] = None, inplace: bool = False, ) -> Union[Container, ConfigValue, None]: """ Resolve the target attribute if it is an interpolation string. Args: key: Name of the target's attribute to be resolved. inplace: If True, update the configuration value replacing the interpolation string with the resolved value. Returns: Resolved value of the target attribute. """ if inplace: return self._resolve_inplace(key) value = as_resolved_dict(self.config) if key is None else return value
[docs] def is_missing(self, key: str) -> bool: """Return True if the key target's attribute is Missing, otherwise return False.""" return safe_select(self.config, key) == MISSING
[docs] def is_interpolation(self, key: str) -> bool: """Check if the key target's attribute is an interpolation string.""" return OmegaConf.is_interpolation(self.config, key)
[docs] def select(self, key, default=None) -> Any: """ Select the key target's attribute. Return MISSING if key corresponds to a missing value, or an interpolation that resolves to a missing value. """ return safe_select(self.config, key=key, default=default)
[docs]class BaseConfig(OmegaConfInterface): """Manages getters and setters to access the target's configuration values.""" def __init__( self, target: "Configurable", config: Optional[Union[ConfigurationDict, omegaconf.DictConfig]] = None, cfg_node: Optional[str] = None, allow_missing: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """Initialize a BaseConfig.""" super(BaseConfig, self).__init__(target=target, allow_missing=allow_missing) self._setup_config(config, cfg_node=cfg_node, **kwargs)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> Any: """Access the target config value.""" return self.config[item]
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key: str, value) -> Any: """Set the target config value.""" self.config[key] = value
[docs] def to_container(self, resolve: bool = False, **kwargs) -> Container: """Return a container containing the target's configuration.""" try: return OmegaConf.to_container(self.config, resolve=resolve, **kwargs) except (MissingMandatoryValue, InterpolationToMissingValueError): d = omegaconf.DictConfig(as_resolved_dict(self.config)) return OmegaConf.to_container(d, resolve=resolve, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def _resolve_node( kwargs: dict, config: Optional[omegaconf.DictConfig] = None, cfg_node: Optional[str] = None, ) -> omegaconf.DictConfig: """Return a DictConfig containing the resolved configuration values defined in kwargs.""" kwsconf = OmegaConf.create(kwargs) if not config: return kwsconf # FIXME: IF we resolve at init to get the global conf value we loose the interpolations is_node = config and cfg_node is not None resolved_node = config # omegaconf.DictConfig(as_resolved_dict(config)) if is_node and cfg_node in config: resolved_node = config[cfg_node] resolved_with_kws = OmegaConf.merge(kwsconf, resolved_node) if is_node: # node_conf = OmegaConf.create({cfg_node: resolved_with_kws}) # full_conf = OmegaConf.merge(config, node_conf) # OmegaConf.resolve(full_conf) # full_conf = OmegaConf.create(as_resolved_dict(full_conf)) config[cfg_node] = resolved_with_kws return config[cfg_node] return resolved_with_kws
[docs] def _setup_config( self, config: Optional[Union[ConfigurationDict, omegaconf.DictConfig]] = None, cfg_node: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """Initialize and validate the structured config of target.""" conf = self._resolve_node(kwargs=kwargs, cfg_node=cfg_node, config=config) OmegaConf.set_struct(conf, True) self._target.config = conf # TODO: make param.config constant
[docs]class Config(BaseConfig): """ Config handles the `.conf` attribute of a Configurable class. It is analogous to `.param` for param.Parameterized classes. This class implements all the logic to access and update the config attribute of a Configurable class, which returns a DictConfig instance that is automatically update when the parameters of the class change. """ @property def params(self) -> Dict[str, param.Parameter]: """Return the param.Parameter dictionary of the target configurable.""" return self._target.param.params()
[docs] def resolve( self, key: Optional[str] = None, inplace: bool = False, ) -> Union[Container, ConfigValue, None]: """Resolve the key attribute of the target Configurable.""" rsl = super(Config, self).resolve(inplace=inplace) if not inplace: value = rsl if key is None else self.to_param_type(key) return value
[docs] def to_param_type(self, key) -> Any: """Transform the value of the key target's parameter to a DictConfig compatible type.""" value = param_obj = self.params.get(key) if value == MISSING: return param_obj.default # Yaml cannot handle python data types such as tuples, so we cast value # to the appropriate type after reading data from the the DictConfig # and before setting the corresponding param.key if isinstance(value, omegaconf.ListConfig): value = [x for x in value] type_ = PARAM_TO_TYPE.get(param_obj.__class__) if isinstance(param_obj, param.Tuple): raise ValueError("TUPLE") if type_ and not isinstance(value, type_): if value is None: value = value if param_obj.allow_None else type_() else: value = type_(value) return value
[docs] def dataclass_dict( self, ignore: Optional[Union[list, set, tuple, str]] = None, ) -> DataClassDict: """Return a dictionary to create a dataclass with the target's parameters.""" data = {} ignored = {"name", "config"} if ignore is None else ignore ignored = set([ignored]) if isinstance(ignored, str) else ignored for k, v in self.params.items(): if k in ignored: continue for param_type, _type in PARAM_TO_TYPE.items(): if isinstance(v, param_type): value = v.default if self._target is None else getattr(self._target, k) data[k] = (_type, field(default=value)) break return data
[docs] def to_dataclass(self) -> type: # DataClass class, not an instance """Return a dataclass describing the parameter values of the target Configurable.""" tgt = self._target name = tgt.__class__.__name__ if isinstance(tgt, Configurable) else tgt.__name__ dclass = make_dataclass(name, [(k, t, v) for k, (t, v) in self.dataclass_dict().items()]) return dclass
[docs] def to_dictconfig(self) -> DictConfig: """Return a structured DictConfig containing the parameters of the target Configurable.""" return OmegaConf.structured(self.to_dataclass())
[docs] def sync(self): """Ensure the parameter values of the target class have the right type.""" for k in self.config.keys(): super(Configurable, self._target).__setattr__(k, self.to_param_type(k))
[docs] def _setup_config( self, config: Optional[Union[ConfigurationDict, DictConfig]] = None, cfg_node: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """Initialize and validate the structured config of target.""" ignored = {"name", "config"} # Make sure the DictConfig is initialized with all the params as keys kwargs = {k: kwargs.get(k, v.default) for k, v in self.params.items() if k not in ignored} super(Config, self)._setup_config(config=config, cfg_node=cfg_node, **kwargs) self.sync()
CONF_ATTRS = {"config", "conf", "_conf"}
[docs]class Configurable(param.Parameterized): """ A Configurable class is an extension of param.Parameterized that allows to handle parameters \ with missing values and omegaconf interpolation strings. It add a config attribute containing an omegaconf.DictConfig that contains the values of the class param.Parameters. It also provides a `conf` attribute that allows to access omegaconf functionality for managing configurations in a similar fashion as the `param` attribute allows to access param.Parameter functionality. """ config = DictConfig(readonly=False, per_instance=True, instantiate=True) def __init__( self, config: Optional[Union[ConfigurationDict, DictConfig]] = None, throw_on_missing: bool = True, cfg_node: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """Initialize a Configurable.""" interp_kwargs = resolve_as_dict(self, kwargs) super(Configurable, self).__init__(**interp_kwargs) self.__conf = Config( self, config, cfg_node=cfg_node, throw_on_missing=throw_on_missing, **kwargs, ) @property def conf(self) -> Config: """Access the Config instance that tracks and manages the values in the class config.""" return self.__conf
[docs] def __setattr__(self, key, value): """Update the config values when setting a parameter.""" is_interp = is_interpolation(value) if value == MISSING or is_interp: self.config[key] = value value = ( self.conf.to_param_type(key=key) if is_interp else self.param.params()[key].default ) # Update the config dict as well as the parameters. Ignored during __init__ of parent class elif key in self.param.params() and hasattr(self, "conf"): self.config[key] = value value = self.conf.to_param_type(key=key) super(Configurable, self).__setattr__(key, value)
[docs] def __getattr__(self, item): """Add support for MISSING values when accessing the parameter values.""" if item != "config" and OmegaConf.is_missing(self.config, item): return MISSING return super(Configurable, self).__getattr__(item)