Source code for mloq.commands.requirements

"""Mloq requirements command implementation."""
from pathlib import Path
import tempfile
from typing import Iterable, List, Union

import click
from omegaconf import DictConfig

from mloq.command import Command
from mloq.config.param_patch import param
from mloq.files import ASSETS_PATH, File, file
from mloq.record import CMDRecord

# Requirements files
requirements = file(
    "list of exact versions of the packages on which your project depends",
data_science_req = file(
    "list of commonly used data science libraries",
data_viz_req = file(
    "list of commonly used visualization libraries",
pytorch_req = file(
    "Pytorch deep learning libraries",
tensorflow_req = file(
    "Tensorflow deep learning libraries",
lint_req = file(
    "list of exact versions of the packages used to check your code style",
test_req = file(
    "list of exact versions of the packages needed to run your test suite",
dogfood_req = file(
    "list of mock requirements for testing purposes",
docs_req = file(
    "list of exact versions of the packages needed to build your documentation",
REQUIREMENTS_FILES = [pytorch_req, data_science_req, data_viz_req, tensorflow_req]


[docs]class RequirementsCMD(Command): """Implement the functionality of the requirements Command.""" cmd_name = "requirements" files = tuple(REQUIREMENTS_FILES) disable = param.Boolean(default=None, doc="Disable requirements command?") requirements = param.ListSelector( default=["none"], doc="Project requirements", objects=REQUIREMENT_CHOICES, ) REQUIREMENTS_ALIASES = { data_science_req: ["data-science", "datascience", "ds"], pytorch_req: ["pytorch", "torch"], tensorflow_req: ["tensorflow", "tf"], data_viz_req: ["data-visualization", "data-viz", "data-vis", "dataviz", "datavis"], } def __init__(self, record: CMDRecord, interactive: bool = False): """ Initialize a RequirementsCMD class. Args: record: CMDRecord where the command data will be written. interactive: If True, parse the command configuration in interactive mode. """ super(RequirementsCMD, self).__init__(record=record, interactive=interactive) self._temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() # File objects work referencing files present in the system. We create a requirements.txt # temporary file to be consistent with that behavior. reqs_src = Path( / "requirements.txt" self._reqs_file = File(, src=reqs_src, dst=requirements.dst, is_static=requirements.is_static, description=requirements.description, ) self.files = tuple(list(self.files) + [self._reqs_file])
[docs] def __del__(self) -> None: """Remove the temporary directory when the instance is deleted.""" self._temp_dir.cleanup()
[docs] @classmethod def get_aliased_requirements_file(cls, option: str) -> File: """Get requirement file from aliased name.""" for _file, valid_alias in cls.REQUIREMENTS_ALIASES.items(): if option in valid_alias: return _file if option == "dogfood": return dogfood_req raise KeyError( f"{option} is not a valid name. Valid aliases are {cls.REQUIREMENTS_ALIASES}", )
[docs] @classmethod def read_requirements_file(cls, option: str) -> str: """Return the content of the target requirements file form an aliased name.""" req_file = cls.get_aliased_requirements_file(option) with open(req_file.src, "r") as f: return
[docs] @classmethod def compose_requirements(cls, options: Iterable[str]) -> str: """ Return the content requirements.txt file with pinned dependencies. The returned string contains the combined dependencies\ for the different options sorted alphabetically. Args: options: Iterable containing the aliased names of the target \ dependencies for the project. Returns: str containing the pinned versions of all the selected requirements. """ requirements_text = "" for i, opt in enumerate(options): pref = "\n" if i > 0 else "" # Ensure one requirement per line requirements_text += pref + cls.read_requirements_file(opt) # Sort requirements alphabetically requirements_text = "\n".join(sorted(requirements_text.split("\n"))).lstrip("\n") return requirements_text
'''def ___parse_config(self) -> DictConfig: """Update the configuration DictConfig with the Command parameters.""" value = self.CONFIG.requirements(self.record.config, self.interactive) self.record.config.requirements = value return self.record.config'''
[docs] def interactive_config(self) -> DictConfig: """Generate the configuration of the project interactively.""" click.echo("Please specify the requirements of the project as a comma separated list.") click.echo("Available values:") click.echo( " data-science: Common data science libraries such as numpy, pandas, sklearn...", ) click.echo( ( " data-viz: Visualization libraries such as holoviews, ", "bokeh, plotly, matplotlib...", ), ) click.echo(" pytorch: Latest version of pytorch, torchvision and pytorch_lightning") click.echo(" tensorflow: ") # , data-viz, torch, tensorflow}") return self.parse_config()
[docs] @staticmethod def requirements_is_empty(options: Union[List[str], str]) -> bool: """Return True if no requirements are specified for the project.""" if not options: return True if isinstance(options, str): options = [options] if None in options or "None" in options or "none" in options: return True return False
[docs] def record_files(self) -> None: """Register the files that will be generated by mloq.""" reqs_value = self.record.config.requirements.requirements if self.requirements_is_empty(reqs_value): return reqs_content = self.compose_requirements(reqs_value) with open(self._reqs_file.src, "w") as f: f.write(reqs_content) self.record.register_file(file=self._reqs_file, path=Path())