Source code for mloq.commands.license

"""Mloq license command implementation."""
from pathlib import Path

import click
from omegaconf import DictConfig

from mloq.command import Command
from mloq.config.param_patch import param
from mloq.files import ASSETS_PATH, file

dco = file(
    "Developer Certificate of Origin - needed in open source projects to certify that "
    "the incoming contributions are legitimate",
mit_license = file("MIT_LICENSE", TEMPLATES_PATH, "license of the project", dst="LICENSE")
apache_license = file("APACHE_LICENSE", TEMPLATES_PATH, "license of the project", dst="LICENSE")
gpl_license = file(
    "license of the project",
    "MIT": mit_license,
    "Apache-2.0": apache_license,
    "GPL-3.0": gpl_license,

LICENSE_FILES = [file for file in LICENSES.values()] + [dco]

[docs]class LicenseCMD(Command): """Implement the functionality of the license Command.""" cmd_name = "license" files = tuple(LICENSE_FILES) LICENSES = LICENSES disable = param.Boolean(default=None, doc="Disable license command?") license = param.String("MIT", doc="Project license type") copyright_year = param.Integer("${current_year:}", doc="Year when the project started") copyright_holder = param.String("${globals.owner}", doc="Copyright holder") project_name = param.String(doc="Select project name") project_url = param.String("${globals.project_url}", doc="GitHub project url") email = param.String("${}", doc="Owner contact email")
[docs] def interactive_config(self) -> DictConfig: """Generate the configuration of the project interactively.""" click.echo("Provide the values to generate the project license files.") return self.parse_config()
[docs] def record_files(self) -> None: """Register the files that will be generated by mloq.""" conf = self.record.config.license self.record.register_file(file=dco, path=Path()) if conf.license != "proprietary": license_file = self.LICENSES[conf.license] self.record.register_file(file=license_file, path=Path())